Transformational Leadership in Trauma Care: Improving Outcomes
An academic trauma surgeon and researcher with significant clinical experience and expertise in the care of the acutely ill and injured, Dr Barnes has filled leadership roles within the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma with a research funding history through both the Department of Defense and the Coulter Translational Partnership Program. As a board-certified acute care surgeon, he began his career with the United States Air Force, caring for those injured in Iraq and Afghanistan and today serves as the Endowed Chair of the Hugh E Stephenson Department of Surgery and Chief of the Division of Acute Care Surgery, Trauma, Burns and Surgical Critical Care at the University of Missouri’s Frank L. Mitchell Jr Trauma Center.
Transformational leadership is a necessary component of any high functioning organization. Organizations which experience rapid rates of change such as healthcare seek out transformational leaders at all levels to promote growth and success. We will explore the transformations in injury care related to 15 years of combat operations, my own experiences with a regional trauma center in rural Missouri and explore opportunities for transformational change in Iowa trauma care.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the definition of transformational leadership in healthcare.
- Realize how evidence based transformational leadership improves outcomes following injury.
- Understand why without transformation high acuity organizations fail.