
The Bureau of Emergency Medical and Trauma Services would like to invite you to participate as an exhibitor in the 2024 Iowa Trauma & Preparedness Conference. This conference is intended for physicians, advanced care practitioners, nurses, emergency medical personnel and public health and hospital emergency preparedness professionals. The conference mission is to provide opportunities for collaboration and education of multidisciplinary partners to ensure the optional care of trauma patients resulting from isolated and mass causality incidents.

Your exhibit will enable you to present your products and services to conference participants.

If you register as an exhibitor for the conference, you will receive the following:

  • The ability to display on both days of the conference – September 10 and 11.
  • One attendee registration to the conference including all handout materials, refreshments and meals
  • An 8′ skirted table, two chairs and wastebasket will be provided
  • All equipment or display items must be kept on the table or within the limits of two feet in front or back of table
  • Opportunities to interact with the participants during the morning and afternoon breaks and during the lunch hour

We invite you to join our efforts by adding your expertise to support this event. We are committed to having a successful program, and know that your participation will help us achieve the conference goals.

The following exhibitor registration types include registration for one individual representative. Additional representatives from your company or organization must be registered separately.

For – Profit Exhibitor Registration – $600
Non-Profit/Government Exhibitor Registration – $250
Additional Exhibitor Representative* is $85 (registered on or before August 7); $110 (after August 7)
*Additional representatives from your organization MUST be registered.
The nightly room rate negotiated for this group is $128, plus taxes, per night.


Please visit the venue and lodging page for guest room accommodations.

Questions regarding guestroom reservations may be directed to Kim Abels, keabels@iastate.edu.

Change in plans?
If you can no longer attend the conference, you may request a refund of your registration fee. If you cancel prior to August 14, 2024, your registration costs will be refunded less a $20 processing fee. If you cancel after August 14, 2024, you will not be guaranteed any refund, therefore we recommend finding a substitute to attend in your place. Substitutions may be made through September 2, 2024. You must contact registrations@iastate.edu for any cancellations or substitution requests.