Be Radically Responsible, Overcoming Challenges, Understand That There Are Other People Counting On You.
Chris Norton got knocked down. Hard. He was a college football player. He saw the opening for a tackle, but mistimed his tackle by a split second. Instead of taking down the returner with his shoulder, his head collided with the ball carrier’s legs. And in an instant, lost all feeling and movement from the neck down. Chris was told he would never be able to move again. He could have let it define him. But our lives aren’t shaped by circumstance. They’re shaped by us. Perseverance isn’t about the physical act of standing: it’s about attitude, and the ability to shape yourself in the face of adversity. With the support of his friends, family, faith, and the love of his life, Emily, Chris proved the doctors wrong, and walked the stage at graduation. Most recently, walked Emily 7 yards down the aisle of their wedding. They are foster parents and have adopted 5 girls and a boy. His story has been published twice – first with his father, and now with Emily. Plus, a documentary about his life story, 7 Yards, is now on Netflix. He travels across the country to inspire people from all walks of life, showing them how to unlock the POWER TO STAND.