Contact Us
The evaluation and attestation form links have been emailed to all registered participants. If you cannot find or have not received an email, please reach out to prior to May 8th as forms must be submitted for credit by May 9
For questions about registration, please contact Iowa State University at or by phone 515-294-6222.
For questions about program content, please contact Jennifer Robertson-Hill at
For all other questions, please contact Rebecca Rong at
Online Assistance During the Event
For assistance or troubleshooting during the event, please reach out to Amanda Sawyer ( | 515-296-3430) or Kaleena Middendorf ( | 515-296-3432.) There will be a “Tech Booth” on the virtual platform’s Exhibitor Page that attendees may visit for questions and additional troubleshooting needs.
Iowa’s Annual Governors Conference on Substance Use is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (Iowa HHS) and coordinated by Iowa State University- Conference Planning and Management. Funding provided by state appropriations, the State Opioid Response (CFDA 93.788) federal grant and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (CFDA 93.959).