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UHPC Presenters
Presenters should plan for a 15 minute presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers. Each room will be equipped with a projector. A template is provided for the convenience of the presenters, but the use of this template is not required. Presentations should be uploaded to this link in Microsoft PowerPoint format by June 3rd.
Please name your file as the SessionDate_SessionTime_PresentersLastName_SubmissionID.pptx. For example, June5_1015am_Smith_24.pptx.
Please click on each date below to view schedule.
Gold Ballroom
Sri Sritharan, Symposium Co-Chair, Iowa State University
Shanté Hastings, Delaware DOT Deputy Secretary and Chief Engineer
Ben Graybeal, Symposium Co-Chair, US Federal Highway Administration
Kevin Western, Michael Baker International formerly Minnesota DOT State Bridge Engineer; former chair of AASHTO T-10 Concrete Bridge Design Committee
Monique H. Head, University of Delaware
Shekhar Scindia, Delaware River and Bay Authority
Current topics on UHPC’s applications in structural preservation and repair. Focal areas will include recently completed projects, design and construction challenges and successes, innovative applications, and research.
Moderator: Zachary Haber, University of South Florida, USA
Panel: Andrew Foden, HNTB Corporation, USA
Samer Rabie, New Jersey Department of Transportation, USA
Jim Scarlata, New York State Department of Transportation, USA
Peter Seibert, UHPC Solutions, USA
Moderator: Philippe Kalmogo
The Future of Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Vic Perry
Design and Performance of 3D Printable UHPC using Locally Available Materials
Haodao Li, Alfred Addai-Nimoh, Kamal Khayat
UHPC Material Development for 3D Print
Jiri Kolisko, Karel Hurtig, David Citek, Vladislav Bures, Martin Kroc
UHPC Based Solutions for Accelerated Bridge Construction
Atorod Azizinamini, Abbas Khodayari
Moderator: Dominic Kruszewski
Co-Moderator: Jovan Tatar
A Review of the Prestress Losses and Long-Term Deflection Response of UHPC Members
Madiha Ammari, Theresa (Tess) Ahlborn
Optimization of Prestressed Precast Girders with Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Guilherme Aris Parsekian, Jadson da Silva Barbosa, Gilvan Bezerra Santos Junior, Gláucia Maria Dalfré
Cheaper to Build, Faster to Construct: Novel Short and Medium Span UHPC Bridges
Sherif El-Tawil, Guy Nelson, William Hazelton, Dewayne Rogers, Michael Clark
Fabrication and Experimental Verification of the UHPC Decked I Beam in Ontario, Canada
Philip Loh, Maher Tadros, Greg Lucier, Adam Sevenker, Don Gardonio
Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Bridge Decked I-Beam: Design, Production, and Testing
George Morcous, Maher Tadros
Moderator: Barzin Mobasher
Co-Moderator: John Lawler
UHPC Compressive Strength Conversion Factors: Cubes versus Cylinders
Mohammed S. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. Moustafa
Combined passive and active ultrasonic stress wave monitoring of UHPFRC properties on a structural level
Numa Bertola, Thomas Schumacher, Ernst Niederleithinger, Eugen Brühwiler
Assessment and Development of Maturity Method for UHPC Quality Control
Mohammed S. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. Moustafa
Assessment of Test Methods for Fiber Segregation in Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Alireza Mohebbi, Benjamin Graybeal
Determining Triaxial Tensile Strength of UHPC with Varying Fiber Contents
Trevor Looney, Jeffery Volz
Moderator: Yi Shao
Co-Moderator: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Experimental Study of Shear behavior of UHPC Considering Axial Load Effects
Abdulrahman Salah, Noran Shahin, Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Comparison of Steel Fibers and Transverse Steel Reinforcement for Shear Capacity in Reinforced Ultra-High Performance Concrete Beams
Timothy Frank, Peter Amaddio, Elizabeth Decko, Darcy Farrell, Cole Landes, Alexis Tri
Effect of Temperature on the Shear Strength of Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Augusto Gil, Venkatesh Kodur
Shear Resistance mechanism and Shear Resistance Prediction of UHPC Strengthened T-beams
Tongxu Liu, Jean-Philippe Charron
Finite Element Analysis of UHPC Beams with Transverse Openings
Mohammad Sadegh Barkhordari, Akram Jawdhari
Emerging solutions and advancements in UHPC construction. This includes 3D printing, innovative methods, precast technology, and mixing and placement solutions.
Moderator: Justin Ocel, Federal Highway Administration, USA
Panel: Atorod Azizinamini, Florida International University, USA
JP Binard, Precast Systems Engineering, USA
Bill Kulish, Steelike UHPC, USA
Moderator: Scott Muzenski
Co-Moderator: Madiha Ammari
Grenzbruecke Basel – The First Swiss Exposed UHPC Overlay
Daniel Hardegger, Peter Seibert
UHPC Overlay at Three Bridge Interchange in Elsmere, Delaware
William A. Geschrei, Zachary M. Gabay
UHPC Bridge Deck Overlays : Feedback of Two Realizations on French Motorways
François Toutlemonde, Christophe Aubagnac, Benoît Clément, Benjamin Terrade, Romain Pittet
Delaware Memorial Bridge UHPC Overlay Deck Rehabilitation – Contractor’s Perspective
Peter Seibert, Gilbert Brindley
Moderator: Jedadiah Burroughs
Co-Moderator: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Strength Characterizations of Different UHPCs
Sahith Gali, Sri Sritharan
Predicting Early-Age Fracture Pattern of UHPC Cylinders Using Categorical Performance Density Diagrams
Micah Stark, Cesario Tavares, Pratik Gujar, Xijun Shi, Kinsey Skillen
Analysis of UHPC Fiber Alignment in Two and Three Dimensions
John Lawler, Elizabeth Wagner, Megan Voss-Warner, Kyle Riding
Prediction of Compressive Strength of UHPC Mix Designs Based on Mix Components Using Machine Learning Techniques
Md. Abdullah Al Sarfin, Srishti Banerji, Mohsen Zaker Esteghamati, Andrew Sorensen
Development of On-Site Test Methods to Evaluate Fiber Stability in UHPC
Akbota Aitbayeva, George Morcous, Jiong Hu
Moderator: Satish Jain
Co-Moderator: Eugen Brühwiler
Environmental and Life-Cycle Cost Evaluation of a Composite Timber-UHPFRC Bridge
Numa Bertola, Edgar Kälin, Eugen Brühwiler
Experimental Study on Bending Behavior of CLT-UHPFRC Composite Beam
Bipul Poudel, Sriram Aaleti, Saahastaranshu Bhardwaj
Lightweight Protective Sandwich Structure with UHPC Core
Petr Hála, Přemysl Kheml, Alexandre Perrot, Jiří Mašek, Radoslav Sovják
Corrugated Steel Pipe Reinforcement with UHPC pouring and Sliding Concrete Formwork
Constance Meaude, Jerôme Frecon, Anthony Flaus
Cyclic Behavior Simulation of a Novel Corrosion-Free Structural Member Made with UHPC, FRP, and Stainless-Steel Materials
Kate Kemnitz, Yilei Shi
Moderator: Luca Sorelli
Co-Moderator: Weina Meng
Material Characterization of UHPC with Recycled Fibers and Wires for Future Large-Scale Structural Applications
Allan Joseph Romero, Mohamed A. Moustafa
Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete with Recycled Glass Powder
Bijaya Rai, Kay Wille
AI-Guided Auto-Discovery of Low-Carbon Cost-Effective Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Data Synthesis, Semi-Supervised Learning, and Many-Objective Optimization
Soroush Mahjoubi, Yi Bao, Weina Meng
Precast elements in UHPC: Improving on Their Carbon Footprint
Bendt Aarup
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) in Retrofitting Applications
Abid Hossain, Carlos M. Chang
Recent developments, trends, opportunities, and challenges in advancing UHPC materials. This includes lowering the cost of UHPC, lowering fiber volume, and locally available materials, The session will discuss how these concepts effect material and structural performance, advantages,
and challenges.
Moderator: Kay Wille, University of Connecticut, USA
Panel: Sherif El-Tawil, University of Michigan, USA
Weina Meng, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Xiujiang Shen, VITO, Belgium
Luca Sorelli, University of Laval, Canada
Jingquan Wang, Southeast University, China
Moderator: Atorod Azizinamini
Co-Moderator: François Toutlemonde
Laboratory Development and Characterization of UHPC for the Repair of Navigation Structures
Brad Songer, Dylan Scott, Stephanie Wood, Eric Hackbarth, Thomas Mack, Alexander Tillotson, Kirk Walker
Experiences with Ready Mixed UHPC for Strengthening of Concrete Structures
Robert Coufal, Jan Vítek, Lukáš Vráblík, David Čítek
“Structural UHPFRC”: Recent Applications in Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Bridges in Switzerland
Eugen Brühwiler
Use of UHPC to Rehabilitate Post-Tensioned Box-Girder Bridge Decks
Sri Sritharan, Philippe Kalmogo, Nayana Sreekumar, Gata Milla, Charles Sikorsky
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC): Opportunities, Challenges, and a Case Study on a Signature Bridge
Zachary Haber
Moderator: Philip Loh
Co-Moderator: JP Binard
Lessons Learned from Fabrication and Experimental Testing of Prestressed UHPC H-Piles under Flexural and Shear Loading
Gabrielle Willis, Sriram Aaleti
The First UHPC Piles Project in Ontario, Canada
Philip Loh, Sri Sritharan, Kam Ng, Don Gardonio
Development of UHPC Prestressed Piles for Florida Bridges in Extremely Aggressive Environments
Steven Nolan, Vickie Young, Ge Wan, Zachary Behring
Development of a Precast UHPC Hollow Stem Abutment for Accelerated Bridge Construction
Anisha Karki, Sri Sritharan, Charles Sikorsky
Axial Behavior of Carbon Nanofiber Enhanced UHPC Rectangular Columns
Milana Cimesa, Mohamed Moustafa
Moderator: Chung-Chan Hung
Co-Moderator: Bin Cai
Residual Seismic Capacity of UHPC Columns after Fire Exposure
Chung-Chan Hung, Bo-Jun Huang, Rong-Jing Wang, Shun-Chih Wang, Ming-Yuan Lei, Chi-Chung Lee
Effects of Axial Load and Tensile Strength on Reinforced UHPC Plastic Hinge Length
Joseph Almeida, Matthew Bandelt
Experimental Tests of the Blast Resistance on UHPFRC and NSC Elements
Adam Citek, Marek Foglar, Stanislav Rehacek, David Citek, Radek Hajek
Applied Design of UHPC Slabs: We Need More than Compressive Strength
Frederik Boysen
Seismic Performance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Structural Members: A Review
Yi Shao
Moderator: George Morcous
Co-Moderator: Dominic Kruszewski
Iowa Ultra-High Performance Concrete Use History and Lessons Learned
James Nelson
UHPC Bridge Implementations Since 2019
Greg Nault
ABC Replacement of Five Multispan Texas Bridges Reopens Each Bridge within 11 Days using UHPC Closure Pours
Hannah Tzabari, Robert Taylor
Caltrans’ Key Performance Indicators for UHPC Applications on ABC Projects
Habib Hotaki
India’s First Long-Span Unbonded Post-Tensioned RC-UHPC Composite I-Beams
Satish Jain, Raghavendra D. S., Kartik Mathur, Ankush Jain
Gold Ballroom
All tours are to regional locations. Tours 1 and 2 are a full day; Tour 3 is a half day.
Tour 1:
DelDOT Bridgges, Delaware Memorial Bridge, UHPC Demonstrations, Architectural Samples
Tour 2:
University-based UHPC 101 and UHPC Overlay, Shotcrete Demonstrations, and Architectural Components
Tour 3:
UHPC Overlay and UHPC Shortcrete Demonstrations; Architectural Samples
Gold Ballroom
Gold Ballroom
Emcee: Tess Ahlborn, Symposium Co-Chair, Michigan Technological University
The UHPC Innovation Awards honors a set of outstanding projects selected by a high profile panel of judges. Learn about these impressive UHPC projects while enjoying the Osterio Italiano buffet at HOTEL DUPONT.
Presenters: Benjamin Graybeal, FHWA and Rafic Helou, FHWA
Moderator: Satish Jain
UHPC Applications Overview for Architectural Cladding Elements in the Precast Industry
Anaïs Aymont, Jérôme Frécon
Manufacturing of Architectural Ultra-High Performance Panels with a Complex Geometry and Features
Aditya Yadav
Successes and Challenges of Two Experienced Canadian Architectural UHPC Precasters
Gaston Doiron, Peter Seibert, Claudia Croteau, Trevor Harmon
UHPC Giant Tiles for Long-Lasting Watertightning of a Subsurface Waste Storage: From Conceptual Design to Prototyping and Trial Site Ageing for Qualification
Guillaume Lamoureux, Romain Ricciotti, Patrick Mazzacane, Jean-Christophe Laugé, Pierre-Alain Nazé, François Toutlemonde, Albert Marchiol
Moderator: Jedadiah Burroughs
Co-Moderator: Philippe Kalmogo
Evaluation of CSA Prequalification Procedures of UHPC Materials for Bridge Construction
Zoi Ralli, Syed Husain, Stavroula Pantazopoulou, Emad Booya, Philip Loh
Creep and Shrinkage Behavior of Non-Proprietary UHPC Mix Designs
Natassia Brenkus, Garrett Tatum, Anthony Addai-Boateng
Restrained Shrinkage in Mild Reinforced UHPC Members
Mohammad Tahat, J.P. Binard, Rodney Davis, Marc Maguire
UHPC Fiber Orientation using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: A Pilot Study
Zachary B. Haber, Christopher L. Alexander
Deep Learning Aided Crack Identification and Quantification of Microcracks of Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite
Pengwei Guo, Yi Bao, Weina Meng
Moderator: Dimitrios Kalliontzis
Co-Moderator: Eugen Brühwiler
Assessment of Fatigue Load Effects on UHPC Components for Wind Energy Applications
Bin Cai, Sri Sritharan
Development of Short Span and Medium Span Footbridge Systems using UHPFRC in Czech Republic
Milan Holy, Jiri Prchlik, David Citek, Jan Marek, Jan Prchal, Jiri Kolisko
Renewal of the Fixed Railway Track in Zurich Airport Station by Means of Blocks in UHPFRC
Antonina Hochuli, Eugen Brühwiler, Jean-Georges Trouillet
An Innovative Solution for External Post-Tensioning Anchorages using UHPFRC
Sean Whelan, Nikolaj Pedersen
Experimental Study on the Structural Ductility of UHPC Beams under Flexure
Mujahed Alsomiri, Zhao Liu
This interactive event will bring together industry stakeholders to discuss critical topics related to UHPC in a less formal, more conversational environment. Topics could include specifications, reducing cost, training needs, and barriers to implementation. But, it is up to you to decide! As a valued member of the UHPC industry, we hope that you will attend this event and create conversation. There will be opportunities to volunteer to kick off a topic discussion with your UHPC colleagues.
Advancements, opportunities, and challenges related to applying UHPC to improve building design, construction, and performance.
Moderator: Yi Shao, McGill University, Canada
Panel: Frederik Boysen, Hi-Con, Denmark
Chung-Chan Hung, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Satish Jain, UHPC India, India
George Quercia, TAKTL LLC, USA
Moderator: Weina Meng
Co-Moderator: Michael McDonagh
Development of Fast-Setting UHPFRC for Bridge Deck Overlay
Shunji Aoki, Takayoshi Tomii, Jun Homma, Koji Tamataki
Structural Performance of UHPC Overlays
Scott Muzenski, Benjamin Graybeal
Development of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) for Bridge Deck Overlay
Jiang Du, Weina Meng
Two Large Scale UHPC Overlay Deck Rehabilitation Projects in Europe
Daniel Hardegger, Jerome Frecon, Peter Seibert
Bonding of Overlays to Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Saber Larfi, Jovan Tatar
Moderator: Ravi Ranade
Co-Moderator: Madiha Ammari
Serviceability-Based Flexural Design of UHPC Beams
Chidchanok Pleesudjai, Devansh Patel, Narayanan Neithalath, Barzin Mobasher
Structural implications of the synergistic interactions between steel reinforcement and UHPC
Shih-Ho Chao, Venkatesh Kaka, Missagh Shamshiri
Proposal of an Engineering Design Approach for Non-metallic Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Through experimental Study and Numerical Modelling on UHPFRC
Serge Nana, Darja Starostina, Fulei Zhou, Simon Herbe, Jean-nicolas Rivoal, Emmanuel Bonnet,
Laurence Trucy
An Evaluation of the Placement and Fiber Orientation Factors based on Existing UHPC Codes and standards
Md. Mashfiqul Islam, Qian Zhang
Experimental Characterization of Plastic Hinge Behavior from Flexure and Axial Effects
Ronit Sthapit, Matthew Bandelt
Gold Ballroom
Current and future needs related to UHPC material characterization. Focal areas will include mechanical and durability properties, fiber orientation, fire testing, and reliability.
Moderator: Matt Bandelt
Panel: Rafic Helou, Federal Highway Administration, USA
Kamal Khayat, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Greg Nault, Ductal, HOLCIM, USA
John S. Lawler, WJE, USA
Moderator: François Toutlemonde
Co-Moderator: Michael McDonagh
UHPC used to Repair Bridge Pylons after Delayed Ettringite Formation
Jean-Michel Odin, Jérôme Frecon, Anthony Flaus
Axial Load Behaviour of Repaired Piers with Ultra-High Performance Concrete Jacket
Khandaker M. Anwar Hossain, Ali E. Yeganeh, Philip Loh
Experimental Testing for Partial Height UHPC Beam End Encasement on Weathering Steel Bridges in Connecticut
Brian Lassy Jr, Alexandra Hain, Arash Zaghi
UHPC Link Slabs and the Wilmington Viaduct Bridge Rehabilitation Project
David Nizamoff
Research and Application of the UHPC based Innovative Strengthening Structure for Steel Bridge Decks after Long-term services
Junhui Cao, Xudong Shao
Moderator: Zach Haber
Co-Moderator: Jim Scarlata
Rebar Development Length of Reinforced UHPC
Amr Soliman, Ravi Ranade
Interface Shear Performance of Full-Scale Composite UHPC Box Beams
Huaian Zhang, Clay Naito
Fracture Behavior of Interfaces between Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Concrete
Ali Cicek, Jovan Tatar
Effects of Time and Consolidation Method on Bond Strength between Fresh UHPC Layers
Megan Voss, Taylor Rawlinson, Raid Alrashidi, Christopher Ferraro, Trey Hamilton, Kyle Riding
Moderator: Shih-Ho (Simon) Chao
Co-Moderator: Philippe Kalmogo
An Analytical Study of the Structural Performance of Hybrid Deck Bulb Tee (HDBT) Elements for Superstructure Replacement
Pablo Aguero-Barrantes, Alexandra Hain, Mathew Royce
Design and Detailing of Nebraska’s First UHPC Ribbed Slab Decked I-Beam Bridges
Alec Stubbe, Adam Sevenker, Mostafa Abo El-Khier, Fouad Jaber, Kyle Zillig
Development of Standardized Nebraska Family of UHPC Decked I-Beams
Ross Barron, Fouad Jaber, Maher K Tadros, George Morcous
Acceptance Criteria of Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Field Cast Connections, Link Slabs, Beam End Repairs, and Joint Headers on California Department of Transportation Projects
Hesam Nabizadeh
This interactive event will bring students and young professionals together with established members and experts from the UHPC community to discuss critical topics related to professional development and UHPC in a less formal, more conversational environment. Topics could include UHPC-related jobs, academic careers, networking, and getting involved with technical committees. But, it is up to you to decide! As a valued student or young professional member of the UHPC community, we hope that you will attend this event and create conversation. You can chat with, ask questions to, and learn from established members and experts from the UHPC community.
Moderator: Matthew Bandelt
Co-Moderator: Jim Scarlata
Flexural Resistance of Ultra-High Performance-Concrete subjected to Freeze-Thaw cycles
Omar Yadak, Dip Banik, Royce W. Floyd
Impact of Flexural Loading Induced Cracks on Chloride Penetration of UHPC
Peizhi Wang, Kyle Riding, Qian Zhang
Electrical-Based Durability Assessment of Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Naveen Saladi, Luca Montanari, Benjamin Graybeal
Service Life Prediction of RC and UHPC Bridge Decks Exposed to Regional Environments
Jin Fan, Matthew Adams, Matthew Bandelt
Durability of the Initially Cracked Ultra High Performance Concrete Subjected to Coupled Chloride and Freeze-Thaw Attacks
Xianbing Ai, Mingyan Pan, Rui Zhong, Jingquan Wang
Moderator: Andy Foden
Calibration of ABAQUS Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) Model for UHPC Material
Mina Fakeh, Akram Jawdhari, Amir Fam
Numerical Simulation of the Load Transfer Mechanism at UHPC-UHPC Interface
Ali Semendary, Dagmar Svecova
Numerical Simulation of the Structural Behavior of Ripped Anchors in UHPFRC
Antonina Hochuli, Eugen Brühwiler
Moderator: Ravi Ranade
Co-Moderator: Luca Sorelli
Understanding the Temporary Water Binding Potential of Very-Fine Grained Materials
Jedadiah Burroughs
Tensile Properties of UHP-FRC Reinforced with High-Strength Steel Hooked Fibers and Ultra-High Performance Slurry Infiltrated Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (UHP-SIFCON)
Shih-Ho Chao, Bhupendra Bhupendra Acharya, Sujan Singh
Influence of Fiber Orientation on the Elastic Limit Tensile Stress of UHPFRC
Jian Zhan, Emmanuel Denarié, Eugen Brühwiler
Towards a New UHPC Mix Design for Nuclear Applications: A Review Study
Nataliia Igrashkina, Mohamed Moustafa
Data-driven and experimentation-guided mixture design tool for property prediction of non-proprietary UHPC using local materials
Deepika sundar, ZhanZhao Li, Abdullah al Moman, Farshad Rajabipour