
Feb 27
7:30am – 8:30am Registration

8:30am - 10:00am Welcome and Opening Keynote

10:00am - 10:15am Travel Time

10:15am - 11:15am Concurrent Session 1 (60-minutes)

Setting Sail for Peak Productivity
Kristi Elmore and Kristi Baldwin

“Acknowledging the Emotion”: Maintaining Humanity in a Digital World
Kody Henke

Beginner’s Excel Basics for Everyday Use
Sara Everson

Driving Innovation: How Your Ideas Advance ISU’s Strategic Aspirations
Kim McDonough, Joel Hochstein, Stacy Renfro, Nicole Scott

“Together We Thrive: Celebrating the Impact of Student Employment at Iowa State!”
Taylor Lelonek, Vanessa Lockey, Mitch Recker, Meghan Spiehs 

Unsubscribe from Stress: Mastering Email (Without Losing Your Mind)
Susan McNicholl

11:15am - 12:00pm Lunch A

12:00pm - 12:45pm Lunch B

12:45pm - 1:45pm Concurrent Session 2 (60-minutes)

Enhancing Efficiency with Workday Worksheets
Kelsey Polaski

Empowering Tomorrow: Harnessing AI for Innovation and Leadership in a Changing World
Alexa Groff

Self Care in Challenging Times
Danielle Day and Tammy Jacobs

Tools & Resources for Handling Difficult Conversations
Susie Johnson

Navigating the Seas of Data: Advanced Techniques
Sarah Freestone, M.Ed., FAAC

Captain of Change: Guiding Your Crew through Uncharted Waters
Mary McGraw

1:45pm - 2:00pm Travel Time

2:00pm - 3:00pm Concurrent Session 3 (60-minutes)

Charting the Course: Creating a Culture of Meaningful Interactions
Jennifer Schroeder

From Overwhelm to Organized: Effective Email Management Strategies
Kellie Olson

Navigating Safely: Lessons from the Lab Bench
Michelle Thompson

Charting Trauma-Informed Futures Together
Elizabeth Helmick, Leah Kain, Corinna Most, Nicole Salo, Erin Todey, Rebecca Wells

Level-up your prompting; Simplify your life
Andrew Severin

Nurturing Resilience: Self-Care as the Foundation of Social and Emotional Learning for Staff and Educators
Anindita Das

3:00pm - 3:10pm Travel Time

3:10pm - 4:00pm Closing