
Workshop 1 – 10:15 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.

How to Use the Private Pesticide Applicator File and Upload to IDALS
Kathleen Wilson

Are you prepared for the Private Applicator Continuing Instruction Course Season? 

I know that this program has steps that you only have to do once a year.  Do you need a refresher on these steps?  Are you new to your position and haven’t been through the process before? I will be going through the steps from labels to IDALS Upload. 

Feel free to bring your laptop and follow along. 

Productivity Power-Up with AI
Kristi Elmore & Kris Baldwin 

Say goodbye to mundane tasks and hello to efficiency on steroids!  Get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the thrilling world of artificial intelligence. Strap in tight as we zoom through AI-powered tools that’ll have you breezing through tasks.  It’s not just a presentation – it’s a productivity party you won’t want to miss! 

Brand Updates
Megan Bagley

ISU Extension and Outreach has released an updated Brand Manual (former Visual Identity Guide). The updates enhance our brand identity and align with the web theme used by Iowa State University and Extension IT. The changes are in response to requests from staff for a clear-cut way to share county and program names on promotional items and other materials. 

Master Gardeners
Alicia Herzog

Workshop 2 – 1:40 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

How to Use the Private Pesticide Applicator File and Upload to IDALS
Kathleen Wilson

Are you prepared for the Private Applicator Continuing Instruction Course Season? 

I know that this program has steps that you only have to do once a year.  Do you need a refresher on these steps?  Are you new to your position and haven’t been through the process before? I will be going through the steps from labels to IDALS Upload. Feel free to bring your laptop and follow along

How an Office Assistant can Impact the Local Community Through a Support Group
for Parkinson’s Disease
Amy Benge

Parkinson’s Disease is very prevalent in Iowa. Did you know that there are 4.48/1,000 people affected by Parkinson’s Disease and 4 parts of the state have averages of 150% or more of the state average (up to 10.986/1,000). With ISU’s A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease program delivered by specialists, you have an opportunity to impact many individuals affected with PD in your community. You can continue to impact by creating a support group which can be led by an office assistant or program coordinator.  

Dickinson County Extension offered A Journey Through Parkinson’s Disease and has continued to build partnerships through their local support group with the YMCA and the APDA (American Parkinson’s Disease Association Iowa Chapter). We have also grown local relationships with 2 couples affected by PD to help coordinate and run our support group when needed. Our support group continually sees 15+ people per month attending from multiple counties including Dickinson, Clay, Palo Alto, Emmet, O’Brien and Lyon. Because of the interest and desire for more information, we now offer a Northwest Iowa annual Conference, which has been attended by 120 people for the last 2 years. Some are traveling over 100 miles to attend.   

Refreshing Your Website: Tools and Strategies for Optimization and Accessibility
Kristi Elmore & Alex Brent

Beginning with SiteImprove, you’ll learn how to prioritize fixes and implement practical tips for immediate improvements. Next, we’ll focus on user-friendly design principles to ensure accessibility, covering best practices for layout and readability. The presentation will conclude with a Q&A session for attendees to discuss specific challenges and questions. 

Microsoft Office Tips and Tricks
Andrea Lutter

I will briefly go through different Microsoft software and share: 
organization tips in outlook and word 
Pivot tables