Travel Information

The Hotel at Kirkwood Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
7725 Kirkwood Boulevard SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404

  • The ASCE Iowa Section Annual Meeting will be held at The Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Centrally located, Cedar Rapids is easily accessed by U.S. Highway 30.
  • The Hotel at Kirkwood Center is located at 7725 Kirkwood Boulevard, and free parking is available adjacent to the hotel and conference center.
  • The conference is receiving a discounted rate by mentioning the ASCE Annual Meeting. To book your hotel room, please call the hotel directly at 319.848.8700.

Parking: Main lot off 76th Avenue facing North towards Kirkwood Community College.

Entrance: Please use the main entrance with the porte cochere awning. Once you have entered walk down the event hallway off the lobby to Ballrooms A&F.