

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Iowa State University Dairy Farm
8:00 AMRegistration opens, morning refreshments
8:30 AMWelcome and introduction to the course – Dr. Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, IA
8:35 AMIntroduction to the composting process – Tom Halbach, extension professor emeritus, Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN
9:45 AMBreak
10:00 AMMatching feedstocks and technology to end uses – Dr. Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, IA
11:00 AMProcess variables and recipe development – Dr. Rob Michitsch, professor, Soil and Waste Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI
12:00 PMLunch (provided)
1:00 PMUse of monitoring equipment and control charts for process variables – Tom Halbach, extension professor emeritus, Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN
1:30 PMIntroduction to recipe calculators – Alex Thomas
Introduction to outdoor field exercises – Building compost piles
2:15 PMBreak and move to Compost Facility
Iowa State University Composting Facility
2:30 PMBuilding test piles
5:00 PMConclude building test piles, travel to evening program at hotel
Radisson Hotel & Conference Center
6:00 PMSocial hour
6:30 PMDinner (provided)
7:00 PMCompost testing standards
8:00 PMAdjourn for the day

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Radisson Hotel and Conference Center
7:30 AMClassroom opens, morning refreshments
Monitor team compost piles and pre-made compost piles
8:30 AMDiscuss monitoring results and troubleshooting strategies – Dr. Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, IA
9:00 AMCompost facility design – Dr. Paul Walker, professor emeritus, Illinois State University
9:45 AMOn-site compost maturity testing methods and odor management for quality control – Dr. Rob Michitsch, professor, Soil and Waste Resources, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI
10:30 AMBreak
Analyze samples for maturity
11:00 AMInterpretation and use of laboratory results – Alex Thomas
12:00 PMLunch (provided)
12:45 PMCompost regulations in Iowa: An overview – Theresa Stiner, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
1:30 PMFacility operational issues and management – Dr. Paul Walker, professor emeritus, Illinois State University
2:15 PMBreak
2:30 PMFundamentals of food waste composting – Tom Halbach, extension professor emeritus, Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN
3:15 PMFood waste collection and composting program – Dr. Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, IA
Iowa State University Composting Facility
3:45 PMEquipment demonstrations: Screens, turners and grinders
6:00 PMAdjourn for the day

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Iowa State University Dairy Farm
7:30 AMClassroom opens, morning refreshments
Monitor team compost piles and pre-made piles
8:00 AMCompost pile judging
8:30 AMCompost quality issues – Dr. Rob Michitsch, professor, Soil and Waste Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI
9:15 AMCompost marketing – Tom Halbach, extension professor emeritus, Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN
10:00 AMBreak and Q&A time
10:15 AMManaging facility for effective marketing – Dr. Paul Walker, professor emeritus, Illinois State University
11:00 AMApplications and end uses of finished compost – Alex Thomas
12:00 PMLunch (provided)
1:00 PMEstablishing a market for your compost
2:30 PMBreak, complete evaluation
2:45 PMExam
3:45 PMOpen discussion, wrap-up
4:00 PMSchool adjourns