LVMC House Officer Seminar: Continuing Education for ISU’s Referring Veterinarians

Vet examining catIowa State University’s Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center (LVMC) is excited to offer a weekly seminar series approved for veterinarian continuing education credit (recognized by the Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine). This seminar series is presented by the LVMC’s House Officers (interns and residents), who are veterinarians engaged in advanced training programs in a variety of specialties, both small and large animal. A list of topics from previous years is below to provide a sense of topic breadth and depth. You can also access a “sample” seminar using this link.

Seminars are livestreamed every Thursday morning from 8:00-9:00am and recordings are archived for later viewing. Participating veterinarians may choose to watch asVet with yellow lab many or as few seminars as desired, and can pick and choose among topics of interest. Participants will record virtual attendance for each seminar viewed, and CE credits will be collated annually.

Registration for this continuing education series will involve an annual subscription fee of $100 per clinic. Participating clinics will receive a login and password that will be utilized to access seminar content and can be shared among multiple veterinarians within the clinic. All proceeds from registration fees for this seminar series will be used to support House Officer activities at the LVMC.

CLICK HERE to register!

For more information about LVMC House Officer programs, please visit the following website:

For questions about this seminar series, please contact Dr. Meg Musser, chair of the LVMC House Officer Committee:

Example small animal topics from House Officer Seminar in previous years
vet examining dog's eyes
Fatty acids in veterinary dermatology
Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome
Primary immune thrombocytopenia in dogs
Canine aspergillosis
Anaphylaxis in dogs
Proper use of surgical drains in small animal medicine
Acute coagulopathy of trauma
Extracorporeal therapy: total plasma exchange
Congenital anomalies of the canine female reproductive tract
In vivo histopathology: advances in ophthalmic imaging
Effect of diurnal variation, tear collection method, and disease state on tear quality in dogs
Ceftiofur concentration in tear film
Use of NTproBNP testing in canine myxomatous mitral valve disease
Interventional management of congenital heart diseases in dogs
Molecular diagnostics in veterinary oncology
Sentinel lymph node mapping in veterinary oncology
Complications of small intestinal surgery
Canine proteinuria
Odontogenic tumors
Anthracycline overdose
Feline pancreatic carcinoma
Primary hypoparathyroidism
Central diabetes insipidus
Myasthenia gravis
Multilobular osteochondroscarcoma (MLO)
Risk factors for acute kidney injury in dogs following parenteral furosemide administration

Example large animal topics from House Officer Seminar in previous years
Urethral obstruction in small ruminantsVet holding dog
Equine guttural pouch mycosis
Equine digital flexor tendon injuries
Adrenal insufficiency in neonatal foals
Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis
Septic synovitis and septic arthritis in foals
Equine retained fetal membranes
Equine sarcoids
Cecocolic intussusception in horses
Large colon volvulus
Johne’s disease
Arthrodesis of the proximal interphalangeal joint