
The Iowa Egg Symposium has been hosted by Iowa State University for more than a decade and offers practical information and hot topics pertaining to egg production and layer management to attendees through a one-day educational session. The symposium will bring in a number of industry experts to touch on an assortment of topics on our theme: Emerging diseases and creative solutions. The egg symposium will be a good face-to-face networking opportunity for you to meet with colleagues, customers, and friends in the layer industry. This year, we welcome our colleagues from the turkey and broiler industry, regulatory agencies, and swine industry to discuss lessons learned and future research opportunities.

For questions about the conference program content, contact:
Yuko Sato, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACPV
Poultry Diagnostics and Extension Veterinarian
Iowa State University – VDPAM/VDL
Tel: 515.294.0710
Email: ysato@iastate.edu