Parking for Volunteers
Daytime parking: 301 Crocker Street (print this parking pass before you come)
Overnight parking: 500 Grand Ave and 700 Locust St (pick up exit voucher for parking ramp at registration)
Upon arrival
- Check-in at the registration area (ask for an overnight parking voucher if needed)
- Visit room 321 to get your volunteer credentials
- Report to your volunteer location
Helpful Information
- Volunteer Hub is located in Boardroom 2. Use this room to rest, eat a snack and sip a cold drink in between duties!
- Be at your volunteer location 5-10 minutes before the start time and stay for the entirety of your session or event.
- Meals are provided for volunteers, but you are expected to get your food after all registered attendees have received their meal.
- Many buildings downtown Des Moines are connected via skywalks. Maps will be available at registration but you can print your own now!
- Floor plans are available for the following spaces
- Hy-Vee Hall Level 100 (meals)
- Hy-Vee Hall Level 200 (tradeshow, posters, welcome dinner, snack, 4-H talent)
- Hy-Vee Hall Level 300 (workshops, seminars)
- Hy-Vee Hall Level 400 (sessions, banquet, auction)
Volunteer Assignments
- View the Master Volunteer Matrix (view only, changes need to be requested to Mike Witt)
- Assignments were given based on your preferences submitted to the logistics team.
- If you need someone to cover your shift, find a replacement and inform the logistics team right away.
- Volunteer schedule posted daily in Boardroom 2 for viewing and available soon online.
Mike Witt – witt@iastate.edu – 641-430-2600
Chris Beedle – beedlec@iastate.edu – 712-885-2802
August 2 Orientation Highlights:
Key contacts for Iowa Logistics Team and Areas
Expectations of Volunteers
Drawings and Schematics of Iowa Events Center
Conference Schedule and Tasks Review
Tasks and Volunteer Assignments
Watch the recording
View the presentation slides