Annie’s Project 20th Anniversary Program
Sunday, August 13
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
3rd Floor – Iowa Events Center
All are invited to join national Annie’s Project non-profit organization for light refreshments, networking and a short program. Annie’s Project is the agricultural business education program that empowers women to be successful through education, networks, and resources. Courses support women as they make key risk management decisions in the areas of finance, human resources, legal, marketing and production. Ruth Hambleton, retired Univeristy of Illinois Extension Farm and Marketing Specialist founded Annie’s Project. Since the first class of ten women in 2003, more than 19,000 women in 38 states have benefited from the program. Extension professionals and others across the county rely on Annie’s Project programs to positively impact the audience of women who are key stakeholders in the production of safe and accessible food. Many NACAA members have won awards based on the impact of their Annie’s Project work. Guest speakers include the program founder as well as women whose Annie’s Project experiences led to business development, conservation, and community involvement.