Breakout Sessions
City Session
Instructors experienced with traffic control on commercial and urban streets will explain how the MUTCD is applied in situations commonly encountered by city work crews. Examples are taken from lower speed in both high- and low-volume situations. ADA requirements will also be addressed.
Those invited include city street maintenance crews and their supervisors, personnel from city engineering offices, other city employees involved in public works or risk management, and consultants and contractors in the construction industry who work primarily with cities.
Paul Albritton, InTrans, LTAP
Nicole Oneyear, FHWA
County Session
A teaching team experienced with traffic control on county roads will explain how the MUTCD is applied in situations commonly encountered by county work crews.
Secondary roads personnel and others who work on or adjacent to high-speed low-volume roadways are invited to attend.
Pam Olson, Jasper County (retired)
David Veneziano, InTrans, LTAP
Iowa DOT Construction and Contractors Breakout Session
The Iowa DOT teaching team will review traffic control fundamentals in work zones, changes and updates in the MUTCD regarding work zones, and Iowa DOT traffic control plans and specification requirements.
Enrollment is open to Iowa DOT construction personnel, road workers, and others working on Iowa DOT projects, including field supervisors and managers of companies performing road construction work. Up to 3 employees per private company can attend each DOT Construction session.
Brian Worrel, Construction and Materials Bureau, Iowa DOT
Dan Sprengeler, Design Bureau, Iowa DOT
Iowa DOT Maintenance Session
The Iowa DOT instructors will cover traffic control fundamentals, updates in the MUTCD, and Iowa DOT traffic control plans and practices as applied in highway maintenance.
Enrollment is restricted to Iowa DOT maintenance personnel. Iowa DOT staff wishing to register should do so through their supervisor, not through this brochure.
Jason Fisher, Maintenance Training Coordinator, Iowa DOT
Iowa DOT District Maintenance Representatives
Utility Session
Utility work can frequently conflict with traffic and put workers in vulnerable locations. In these situations, the principles of safe traffic control are most important, and the MUTCD is always applicable. ADA requirements will also be addressed.
Staff from electric, gas, telephone, cable TV, water works crews, and supervisors are invited to attend
Jim Wolfe, Safety Trainer, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives
David Hiatt, Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities