Health Promotion Webinars
May 13, 2021 – 1:00pm-2:30pm Central
Supporting Healthy Lifestyles Among Iowans with Low Income
Christine Hradek, MPH, (she, her, hers) Program Manager EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Program
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Attendees will:
- Understand the programs offered by ISU Extension and Outreach designed to support Iowans with low income in making healthy choices on a tight budget.
- Have tools to make referrals to these programs when it is appropriate for a patient.
- Build awareness of online resources designed to build users’ understanding of nutrition, food budget management and cooking/food prep skills.
May 25, 2021 – 2:00pm-3:30pm Central
The Intersection of Brain Injury and Multi-occurring Conditions
June Klein-Bacon, BSW, CBIST (she, her, hers) Brain Injury Project Manager, Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa and Megan Hartwig, Director of Brain Injury Training and Services, Iowa Association of Community Providers
Learning objectives:
- Participants will discuss incidence and prevalence of acquired brain Injury in the general population.
- Participants will evaluate incidence and prevalence of acquired brain injury in under and inappropriately served populations.
- Participants will acquire skills to implement brain Injury screening in health and human service practices.
June 9, 2021 – 10:30am-Noon Central
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation in Integrated Care Settings
Taslim van Hattum, LCSW, MPH, (she, her, hers) Senior Director, Practice Improvement & Consulting, National Council for Behavioral Health
Learning objectives:
- Learn about commercial tobacco and disparate health outcomes for individuals with behavioral health conditions.
- Increase your knowledge of best practices to promote tobacco prevention and cessation in integrated care settings.
- Understand the role of trauma on early initiation and chronic use of tobacco products.
- Re-frame the way we address nicotine addiction and recovery for individuals who use tobacco.