Health Promotion Webinars

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May 13, 2021 – 1:00pm-2:30pm Central
Supporting Healthy Lifestyles Among Iowans with Low Income
Christine Hradek, MPH, (she, her, hers) Program Manager EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Program
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Attendees will:

  1. Understand the programs offered by ISU Extension and Outreach designed to support Iowans with low income in making healthy choices on a tight budget.
  2. Have tools to make referrals to these programs when it is appropriate for a patient.
  3. Build awareness of online resources designed to build users’ understanding of nutrition, food budget management and cooking/food prep skills.

PowerPoint Presentation

May 25, 2021 – 2:00pm-3:30pm Central
The Intersection of Brain Injury and Multi-occurring Conditions
June Klein-Bacon, BSW, CBIST (she, her, hers) Brain Injury Project Manager, Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa and Megan Hartwig, Director of Brain Injury Training and Services, Iowa Association of Community Providers

Learning objectives:

  1. Participants will discuss incidence and prevalence of acquired brain Injury in the general population.
  2. Participants will evaluate incidence and prevalence of acquired brain injury in under and inappropriately served populations.
  3. Participants will acquire skills to implement brain Injury screening in health and human service practices.

June 9, 2021 – 10:30am-Noon Central
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation in Integrated Care Settings

Taslim van Hattum, LCSW, MPH, (she, her, hers) Senior Director, Practice Improvement & Consulting, National Council for Behavioral Health

Learning objectives:

  1. Learn about commercial tobacco and disparate health outcomes for individuals with behavioral health conditions.
  2. Increase your knowledge of best practices to promote tobacco prevention and cessation in integrated care settings.
  3. Understand the role of trauma on early initiation and chronic use of tobacco products.
  4. Re-frame the way we address nicotine addiction and recovery for individuals who use tobacco.