
Certified Crop Advisors CEU’s have been approved for the following sessions denoted by an *
A Conference PDH certificate will be available: 9.5 hours
A Pre-conference tour PDH certificate will be available: 4.0 hours

Monday, September 9, 2024

Pre -Conference Tour:

12:45-1:00 Load Buses, Departing promptly at 1 pm from the Hyatt Regency in Coralville
1:15-2:00 IIHR- Hydroscience and Engineering, University of Iowa
IIHR and Iowa Geological Survey Lab Facility Tour at the Oakdale Campus in Coralville. IIHR is a world-renowned hydraulics laboratory, with a depth of knowledge that spans the full range of fluids-related structures, both natural and built, from surface to sub-surface, from floods to droughts. IIHR are experts in hydraulic modeling, combining physical modeling, computational modeling and field studies to provide comprehensive solutions. IIHR tour will highlight the ship hydrodynamics wave basin, and physical models of municipal stormwater systems, and dam modeling to improve the design of fish passage. The tour includes a stop at the Iowa Geological Survey Lab Facility to view the rock library, field equipment, and laboratory.
2:00-2:15 Travel to Johnson County Poor Farm
2:15-3:15 Historic Johnson County Poor Farm
In recent years, the landscape at the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm (JCHPF) has undergone many conservation improvements, from changes in cropping management operations, to include soil health and cover crop practices, switching from a corn/bean operation vegetable production; seeding pollinator habitat, a newly installed wetland, conservation drainage with water control structures, a real-time water quality nitrate sensor, a Iowa Flood Center hydro weather station, invasive species removal in the woodland areas, and woodland management. We will tour the farm and hear from the staff and partners on all the work being done to improve conservation and water quality.
3:15-3:30 Travel to back to Hyatt Regency
3:30-5:30 Iowa River Landing Walking Tour
Learn more about Coralville’s efforts to incorporate green infrastructure such as bio-cells, green roofs, permeable pavers, cisterns and more!
5:30-7:30 Networking at 30 Hop sponsored by McClure

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

8:00-9:00 Exhibitor Setup
9:00 Welcome
9:15 KEYNOTE: Upstream Thinking: Rebuilding the Commons for Water Quality and Health
Brandi Janssen
10:00 Award Ceremony: ISWEP, IAWA
10:45 KEYNOTE: Water Security for All: Challenges and Opportunities for Vulnerable Communities to Overcome Water Issues
Kaoru Ikuma
11:30 Lunch
BREAKOUT SESSIONS: Surface Water & Green Infrastructure
12:40-1:10 Snow Gardens: The Intersection of Meltwater and Stormwater Management
Connie Fortin & Matt Isakson
1:15-1:45 Small Cities, Big Challenges, Climate Resiliency Modeling Approaches for Populations under 10,000
Megan Lukas & Meghan Funke
1:50-2:20 Quantifying and Argumenting Flood Reducations Provided by Conservation BMP’s in Charles City’s Washington School Watershed*
Daniel Gilles
12:40-1:10 From Data to Stories: The Blue-Green Action Platform (BLUEGAP) and the Role of Arts and Humanities in Addressing Nitrogen Pollution
David Cwiertny & Eric Gidal
1:15-1:45 Restoring, Enhancing, and Assessing Stream Restoration Sites in Eastern Polk County*
John Swanson, Charles Ikenberry & Sara McMillan
1:50-2:20 PFAS Distribution in Iowa Lakes and Rivers
Joe Charbonnet & Abdullahi Adeola
12:40-1:10 Stormwater Reuse for Irrigation: From Planning to Implementation
Jennifer Koehler (Virtual Presentation)
1:15-1:45 Agricultural Drainage Water Recycling: Momentum Towards a Win-Win Solution for Water Quanity and Quality Challenges*
Spencer Pech
1:50-2:20 Private Well Stewardship Program: Helping Iowans Test and Understand their Drinking Water*
Catherine DeLong
2:20-3:20 BREAK & Student Poster Presentations (1)
3:20-3:50 The Iowa Biomonitoring Program: Assesment of Mental and Metalloid Exposure from Well Water in Iowa
Donald Simmons
3:55-4:25 Iowa ADW Closure Program
Michael Bourland
4:30-5:00 The Need for Groundwater Planning for Iowa
Keith Schilling
3:20-3:50 The Restoration of McFarland Lake in Ames, IA
Luke Monat & Ryan Wiemold
3:55-4:25 We Know the Problems, But Not the Solutions! : Using FEMA Scoping Programs to Identify and Screen Alternatives
Kevin Kruse
4:30-5:00 Maryville’s One Water Approach for Source Water Protection: Mozingo Lake 319 Watershed Plan*
Katie Greenstein & Ryan Heiland
Wicked Problem Panel
3:20-5:00 Collaborative Conversations for Climate-Resilient Watersheds*
Moderator: Erin Jordan

Jack Stinogel, V Fixmer-Oraiz, Humberto Vergara, Catherine DeLong, Sarah J. Gardner, Clark Porter
5:15-6:00 Movie – Moved by Waters
6:00-8:00 Happy Hour: Sponsored by JEO Consulting Group
Backpocket Brewing

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

7:30-8:00 Student Poster Presentations (2)
Panel Sessions:
8:00-9:00 Accelerating Technical and Community Readiness for Beneficial Water Reuse in Small Communities
Kaoru Ikuma, Elizabeth Yeboah, Lu Liu, Sadaf Mehrabi, Ingrid Cintura
8:00-9:00 SF455 Iowa’s New Law on Stormwater and Topsoil
Aaron Gwinnup, Greg Pierce, Michael Schmidt, Pat Sauer, Loulou Dickey
8:00-9:00 Cutting Edge Stormwater Quality Research in Iowa
Greg LeFevre
8:00-9:00 Accelerating Technical and Community Readiness for Beneficial Water Reuse in Small Communities
Kaoru Ikuma, Elizabeth Yeboah, Lu Liu, Sadaf Mehrabi, Ingrid Cintura
BREAKOUT Sessions: Surface Water & Communities
9:05-9:35 State Revolving Fund Nonpoint Source Loan Program: Stormwater Management and Erosion Control for Communities and Landowners*
Julie Kelso
9:40-10:10 U.S Geological Survey StreamStats-Streamflow for Your Needs
Padraic O’Shea & Mackenzie Marti
BREAKOUT Sessions: Surface Water & Ag
9:05-9:35 Why is Watershed Phosphorus Loading Stubbornly Persistent?*
Joseph Bischoff
9:40-10:10 Accelerating the Adoption of Saturated Buffers Using an Educational Decision-Support Tool*
Christopher Hay and Catherine Delong
BREAKOUT Sessions: Water and Health
9:05-9:35 PFAS (Forever Chemicals): The Hidden Toxins in the Environment
Majid Nada
9:40-10:10 Nitrate Watch: Community Science Meets Nutrient Pollution
Heather Wilson
10:10-10:50 Break
BREAKOUT Sessions: Surface Water & Communities
10:50-11:20 Innovative Local Watershed Plans: Connecting Water Quality, and Climate
Rachel Olm and John Wills
BREAKOUT Sessions: Surface Water & Ag
10:50-11:20 A GIS Strategy to Locate Vulnerable Fields and Prioritize BMP’s in Agricultural Landscapes Using the Daily Erosion Project (DEP)*
Eduardo Luquin
BREAKOUT Sessions: Water and Health
10:50-11:20 Harmful Algal Blooms in Iowa: A Multifaceted Approach to Understanding and Mitigating Risks
Lyndy Holdt
11:20-12:30 Lunch & KEYNOTE: It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way
Seth Watkins
BREAKOUT Sessions: Surface Water & Communities
12:40-1:10 Two Dimensional Base Level Engineering (2D BLE) in Iowa
Chris Kahle
1:15-1:45 From Vision to Action: Reflection on 5 Years of Progress in Watershed Planning and Strategies for the Road Ahead*
Adam Rupe and Cara Marker-Morgan
1:50-2:20 Flooding- Bringing the Resources to Meet the Need
Stacy Harwell and Cara Matteson
2:25-2:55 Quantifying the Impact of Iowa’s Flood Control Reservoirs on Nutrient and Sediment Loss*
Elliot Anderson
Breakout Sessions: Surface Water & Ag
12:40-1:10 Beyond Implemention: Monitoring and Management of Edge-of-Field Practices to Assess Effectiveness in the Alleman Creek Watershed*
Gabriel Johnson & Lee S. Tesdell
1:15-1:45 Application of an Integrated Modeling System to Assess Nutrient Loss Mitigation Strategies for the Des Moines River Basin in Iowa*
Philip Gassman, Tassia Mattos Brighenti and Yongjie Ji
1:50-2:20 A Statewide Assessment of Per – and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) In Small Iowa Streams Affected by Varying Land Uses and Inputs*
Kendra Markland
2:25-2:55 Using WEPP Watershed and Stream Data to Estimate Sediment Delivery Ratios and Nutrient Export from a Small Catchment in Iowa*
Kelly Nascimento Coelho
Breakout Sessions: Water and Health
12:40-1:10 Identifying PFAS Contamination in Various Waters in Iowa and its Influence on Iowan’s Drinking Water*
Matthew Nagorzanski
1:15-1:45 Relationships Between Water Quality and Livestock Density Across Iowa Watersheds*
Daniel Haug
1:50-2:20 Tracking Fecal Contamination and Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Agricultural and Urban Streams in Iowa*
Hanseob Shin
2:25-2:55 Using Genetic Tools to Better Understand Iowa’s Microbial Water Quality Issues*
Claire E Hruby