2021 Agenda

Day 1

9:00 am Welcome and Opening Comments, Iowa Water Center

9:10 am  Lessons learned from COVID-19 for building climate-change resilient communities
Eugene Takle
Peter Thorne
Silvia Secchi

10:00 am Awards Ceremony
Watershed Awards

10:45 am Break

11:00 am  A Mississippi River Farmer-Fisherman Collaboration
Margaret Krome
Dan Smith

11:50 am Break

12:45 pm – 3:30pm Breakout Sessions

Breakout 1: Climate Change and Climate Services Session

12:45-12:50p Sign on/Welcome Dennis Todey
12:50-1:05p Regional Climate Change Overview Ray Wolf
1:05-1:20p RFC/Climate Change and MS River Steve Buan
1:20-1:35p Hydrologic Extremes in Iowa/Midwest Trent Ford
1:35-1:50p Climate Change and Agriculture Dennis Todey
1:50-2:10p Panel Q/A and Discussion Ray Wolf, Steve Buan, Trent Ford, Dennis Todey
2:10-2:25p BREAK
2:25-2:40p Iowa Climate Services Justin Glisan
2:40-2:55p Regional Climate Services Doug Kluck
2:55-3:10p Midwest Drought Services Molly Woloszyn
3:10-3:30p Panel Q/A and Discussion Justin Glisan, Doug Kluck, Molly Woloszyn

Breakout 2: Water Resource Mapping and Modelling

12:45-1:15 Charlie Cigrand Flood-inundation maps associated with near real-time stage information from U.S. Geological Survey streamgage and National Weather Service hydrologic forecast
1:20-1:50 Kelly M Suttles The Dual Role of Natural Infrastructure: Improving Water Quality and Reducing Flood Risk
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Paul H Rydlund U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Streamflow- and Precipitation-based Flood Warning and Inundation Mapping integrated with USGS “Water Alert” and “Water Watch” Tools for Selected Communities in Missouri.
3:05-3:35 Dan Gilles Modeling the 2019 Missouri River Floods

Breakout 3: Ag BMP Adoption

12:45-1:15 Chris Morris Iowa Farmers and Targeted Conservation: Investigating Changes in Support Over Time
1:20-1:50 Lijing Gao Understanding Farmers’ Adoption of Nutrient Management Best Management Practices: A Social Cognitive Framework
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Suraj Upadhaya
Paige Frautschy
A Multi-level Analysis of Individual and County-level factors Influencing Farmers’ Use of 4Rs Plus Nutrient Management Practices
3:05-3:35 Laurie Nowatzke Iowa Row Crop Farmers’ Future Intention to Adopt Cover Crops for Water Quality

Breakout 4: Emerging Contaminants

12:45-1:15 Margaret Carolan Risk to Private Well Users from Combined Radium in Iowa Groundwater
1:20-1:50 Wendong Zhang The Economic Value of Less Harmful Algal Blooms: New Survey Results of Iowa Farmers and General Public
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Carrie Givens Antibiotic Resistent Microbes
3:05-3:35 Riley Mullins Identifying Environmental Health Blind Spots: A Local Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Study in Private Wells

Breakout 5: Urban and Rural Partnerships

12:45-1:15 Travis Anderson Water Quality Trading: Requirements, Case Studies, and Lessons Learned
1:20-1:50 Adam Schnieders, Michael Kuntz Paying Attention: The Wastewater Plant in Context. An Exploration of the Watersheds of Iowa
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Bartlett Durand, Adam Schnieders, Eric Schmechel Iowa’s New Watershed Approach to Wastewater Permit Compliance – Trust but Verify
3:05-3:35 Adam Kiel, Mark Lambert, Michael Kuntz Bringing Money to the Table: Iowa Soybean’s Foray into Ecosystem Service Markets

3:45-4:45 pm  Networking Hour


Day 2

8:00 am Yoga Session

9:00 am Welcome and Opening Comments, Iowa Water Center

9:10 am  Integrating Social Resilience into Community Flood Resilience
Eric Tate

10:00 am Awards Ceremony
Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership Award

10:45 am Break

11:00 am Prioritizing Resources to Meet Water Quality Goals
Heidi Peterson

11:50 am Break

12:45 – 3:30 pm Breakout Sessions

Breakout 1: Green Infrastructure

12:45-1:15 Todd Shoemaker Eric Osterdyk Does your Stormwater Model Account for Soil Compaction?
1:20-1:50 Breanna Marmur Impacts of Urban BMPs on Stormwater Quantity and Quality for Residential Areas in Iowa
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Craig Clarkson Market District Green Infrastructure: Transforming an Industrial Area into a Green Infrastructure(lined, walkable, mix-use residential, retail, and entertainment district) through Public-Private Partnership
3:05-3:35 Melissa Campbell Sioux City Green Infrastructure Project Experience – EXPO Center

Breakout 2: Community Engagement/Education

12:45-1:15 Steve Konrady, Amy Foster, John Swanson Water Quality Awareness & Education Campaigns – Two Iowa Pilots
1:20-1:50 Stephen K Hopkins Using Creek Signs to Build Awareness of Creeks, Lakes, and Watersheds in Iowa
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Craig Ficenec Assessing Needs of Watershed Leaders in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
3:05-3:35 David De La Torre, V Fixmer-Oraiz Community Organizing & Equity Approaches in Flood Resilience

Breakout 3: Soil/Water Connection

12:45-1:15 Ellen M Audia Mapping the Soil Vulnerability Index Across Broad Spatial Extents to Guide Conservation Efforts
1:20-1:50 Margaret Krome
Scott Marlow
Measuring Societal Benefits from Soil Health Practices
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 John Shanahan Adoption of Soil Health Management Systems by Farmers: Show Potential to Improve Economic and Water Resiliency for Iowa Communities
3:05-3:35 Ji Yeow Law Comparison of Nutrient and Sediment Export in Paired Agricultural Catchments with Different Levels of Conservation Practices

Breakout 4: Public/Private Partnerships

12:45-1:15 Bethany Brittenham, Spencer Pech How to Incorporate Water Quality Practices into Drainage District Infrastructure: A Multi-County Case Study
1:20-1:50 Adam Schneiders, Justin Clark Agency Partnership for Cover Crop Seed Production and Practices
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Sean McMahon, Johnathon Swanson, John Norwood, Keegan J Kult Going Big on Saturated Buffers: Replicating Success in Scaling Up
3:05-3:35 Derek Franklin Nutrient Reduction Strategy Development and Implementation in the Upper Mississippi River Basin: A Multi-State Comparative Case Study

Breakout 5: Panels

12:45-1:45 V Fixmer-Oraiz, Maria Perez, Mary Skopec, Ingrid Gronstal Anderson, Silvia Secchi, Rai Tokuhisa Womxn Leadership in Iowa’s Water Resilience: A Gender-Inclusive Panel
1:45-2:30 BREAK
2:30-3:30 Kay Stefanik, Chaoqun Lu, Marshall McDaniel, Michelle Soupir Iowa Nutrient Research Center: Current Research and Research Impacts

Breakout 6: Nutrient Management

12:45-1:15 Chris Jones Cyberinfrastructure Framework to Support Large-scale Water-quality Data integration, Analyses, and Visualization in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMRB)
1:20-1:50 Antonio P Mallarino Confronting the Challenge: Reducing Dissolved Phosphorus Loss from Fields when BMPs effectively reducing Nitrate, Soil, or Sediment-bound P Loss May Not Do It
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Nate C Lawrence Agricultural Depressions as Hotspots of Nitrogen Loss
3:05-3:35 Shane A Wulf Expanding Wetland Opportunities from Landscape to Programming in Iowa

3:45 – 4:45 pm  Tours

3:45-4:45 Tour of Iowa Watershed Approach Practices
3:45-4:45 Tour of Green Infrastructure Practices from the Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership
3:45-4:45 The Driftless Flyathlon: “Run, Fish, Beer” for Coldwater Conservation



Day 3

9:00 am Welcome and Opening Comments, Iowa Water Center

9:10 am COVID-19 and Dramatic Decisions: Tales from the front lines of Iowa’s Largest Drinking Water Utility
Ted Corrigan

10:00 am Awards Ceremony
Essay Contest/Photo Contest/Poster Contest

10:30 am Break

11:00 am Breaking Through: A Decade and A Half of Stormwater Research
James Houle

11:50 am Break

12:45 – 3:30 pm Breakout Sessions

Breakout 1: Wastewater

12:45-1:15 Antonio P Mallarino Sustainable Disposal or Utilization of Residuals from Wastewater Processed for Phosphorus Reduction based on the Crop Availability of the Phosphorus
1:20-1:50 Gregory H. LeFevre Pharmaceutical Complex Exposure Mixture Occurrence and Dynamics in a Temperate Region Wastewater Effluent-Dominated Stream: Muddy Creek, Iowa
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Adrian Holmes Nutrient Reduction Alternatives for Muscatine
3:05-3:35 Martin Gross, Jens Dancer Algae Wastewater Treatment for Nutrient Removal and Recovery

Breakout 2: Water Resource Mapping and Modelling

12:45-1:15 Antonio Arenas-Amada Could the 2008 flood have been worse?
1:20-1:50 Chris E Kahle, Scott Ralston Iowa DNR Statewide Two Dimensional Base Level Engineering
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Antonio Arenas-Amada Des Moines River Upstream Mitigation Study
3:05-3:35 Keith Schilling Using Baseflow to Quantify Groundwater Recharge and Drought in Iowa

Breakout 3: Iowa Watershed Approach Stories and Successes

12:45-1:15 Hacer Karamese, Huan Liu, Valerie Decker Building Community Flood Resilience and Safety: The Bee Branch Healthy Homes Resiliency Program
1:20-1:50 Valerie Decker, Asih Asikin-Garmager Understanding IWA Outcomes from an Evaluation Perspective
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Dan Fricke Iowa’s Western Edge Meets Record Flooding
3:05-3:35 Cara Morgan A Holistic Approach to Partnerships Within a Watershed

Breakout 4: Regenerative Agriculture and Ecoystems

12:45-1:15 Michael Heller, Doug Sheeley Developing a Multi-use Restoration Plan for Midwest Streams
1:20-1:50 Judith E. Joyce, Brian Ritter Funding Water Quality Improvements at Nahant Marsh: Thinking Outside the Box
1:50-2:30 BREAK
2:30 – 3:00 Emily Martin Resilient Farming across Iowa Landscapes
3:05-3:35 Nate Hoogeveen, Reid Stamer, Judith E. Joyce Case Study: Bear Creek Restoration SRF Project Using Iowa’s River Restoration Toolbox

Breakout 5: Funding and Partnership Workshops

12:45-1:45 L. James Marwedel How to use BRICs to Build Natural Infrastructure and Reduce Flooding
1:45-2:30 BREAK
2:30-3:30 Mary Beth Stevenson, Kate Giannini, Adam Rodenberg, Jennifer Fencl, John Swanson Building a Successful Watershed Community

Breakout 6: Emerging Water Issues Workshops

12:45-1:45 James Houle Minding our Ps and Ns
1:45-2:30 BREAK
2:30-3:30 Linda Shenk, Bill Gutowski Watershed Community: A Simple Simulation Tool for Building Community Relationships for Resilience

3:40 pm 2021 Mississippi River Expedition
Hank Kohler
Jared McGovern


The 2021 speaker email directory and their PowerPoint presentations are available here.