Generation RX
Molly Downing, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor – Practice
College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University
Dr. Downing is an Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy where she designs and teaches several online courses that cover a variety of drug-related topics. Outside the classroom, she serves as the Associate Director for Generation Rx and as a staff member within the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery. Her research interests include prescription drug misuse prevention education for youth audiences and effective instructional design for online educational experiences. She is a 2023 recipient of The Ohio State University Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer.
Cynthia D. Sloan, MBA, OCPSA
Cynthia Sloan is the Ohio Network Manager for the Generation Rx Program. She supports Strategic Prevention Framework efforts and Generation Rx programming across Ohio. Cynthia holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Ohio Dominican University and a master’s degree in business administration with concentrations in Finance and Accounting from American InterContinental University. Cynthia is a Mental Health First Aid instructor for Teens and Adults, and is also a trained facilitator for Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR). She previously served urban and rural communities as a Prevention Coordinator with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and the College of Public Health at The Ohio State University. She has over 20 years of experience in serving the Central Ohio community through education and outreach. Cynthia has a heart for youth, and desires to see families thrive.
Ruth Emptage, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP
Ruth Emptage is an Associate Professor-Practice and geriatrics specialty pharmacist with The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. She has over 28 years of experience educating both community living older adults and student pharmacists about safe and appropriate medication use in older adults. She has been the content expert for the Generation Rx Older Adult Toolkit materials and an active educator in potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults. Ruth is a Board-Certified Geriatric Pharmacist and Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists.
Course Description
During two 90-minute webinars we will examine Generation Rx, a national prevention program that provides free, evidence-informed resources which help prevent prescription drug misuse. Generation Rx provides tailored activities and resources for Elementary, Teen, University, Adult and Older Adult audiences, which include lesson plans, talking points, ready-to-use learning activities, and recommendations for adaptation to low-tech settings. This session will introduce participants to the Generation Rx portfolio of educational resources, including identifying effective approaches for resource delivery and participant engagement. Participants will also discuss ideas for launching and sustaining local Generation Rx programming through community partnerships. Participants will leave this session equipped with practical approaches and resources to support local prescription drug misuse prevention efforts.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of two 90-minute webinars participants will be able to…
- Provide a brief overview of prescription medication use and the need for safe medication practices;
- Review the components of each Generation Rx toolkit and their intended use with a focus on elementary, teen, and older adult audiences;
- Discuss effective education and engagement strategies for each population;
- Provide recommendations for implementing the toolkit and/or adapting activities for group size and setting, and
- Discuss how to launch and sustain Generation Rx programming through community partnerships
Registration Information
- Participants may choose to attend one or both webinars, although attendance at both is strongly encouraged as different material will be covered each day.
- It is not necessary to be implementing the program to attend.
- There is no fee to attend, but registration is required.
- After registering, participants will receive a Zoom link.
- Each webinar is approved for 1.5 CEUs. To receive CEUs, participants must attend each webinar fully (start to end).
The webinars will be held August 5th and August 6th, from 1:00 – 2:30PM CT