About IPN
About IPN:
The Iowa Health and Human Services (Iowa HHS) Substance Use and Problem Gambling Services Integrated Provider Network (IPN) is a statewide, community-based, resiliency- and recovery-oriented system of care for substance use and problem gambling services (prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support).
The IPN brings together three previously separate service systems: Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment, as directed in legislation beginning in 2009. IPN services are funded by the State General Fund appropriation to Iowa HHS for substance use and problem gambling services and the SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant.
Through the IPN, contractors assist Iowa HHS to protect and improve the health of Iowans by meeting the following three goals:
- Establish and maintain a comprehensive and effective system of care for substance use and gambling problems through a statewide, integrated network of services and providers.
- Reduce substance use and gambling problems through public education, evidence-based prevention, and early intervention services.
- Increase remission and recovery from substance use disorders and problem gambling through timely, accessible, ongoing, and effective treatment services.
Please direct questions and technical assistance requests to the IPN Help Desk at ipn@idph.iowa.gov.