
Aug 20
Soil properties, laser + gps + drone surveying and mapping

7:30 AM Registration and morning refreshments

8:00 AM Welcome and introductions

Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University

8:30 AM Optimizing drainage system layout, and Pre-school quiz using clickers

Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University

9:30 AM Is it plain ol' dirt? (Understanding soil properties)

Tony Mensing, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University

10:15 AM Soil properties auger hole test

Tony Mensing, field agricultural engineer, and Matt Helmers, Professor, Iowa State University

11:00 AM Comparison of surveying methods

Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University
Aerial survey data collected with a drone, LiDar Data, and GPS-RTK data

11:45 AM Lunch (provided)

12:30 PM Laser and GPS for grade control

Roger Kolbet, Mid Tech Services; Brady Kolbet, Mid Tech Services

1:30 PM Overview of surveying field exercises

Kapil Arora, field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University

1:45 PM Group activity

Move to field area and conduct Laser + GPS surveys.
Refreshments provided during field activity period.

3:15 PM Excavation safety and awareness

Ray Slach, Ray Slach Farms, West Branch, IA

3:45 PM Drawing contour maps using field data and computer programs.

Matt Helmers, professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University

4:15 PM Group activity: Plotting surveyed field data

Merge data among teams
Compare data with GPS mapping
Begin planning for drainage design

5:00 PM Using UAVs (drones) in drainage projects

Jacob Handsaker, Hands-on Excavating, Radcliffe, IA

5:30 PM Dinner (provided)

6:00 PM Demonstration of drainage software and technology

7:30 PM Visit and discussion time with software providers and sponsors

8:00 PM Adjourn for the day

Aug 21
7:30 AM Morning refreshments

8:00 AM Calculating drain sizes: Example exercises

Greg Brenneman, retired field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University

10:00 AM Break

10:15 AM Review of exercises

Greg Brenneman, retired field agricultural engineer, Iowa State University

10:45 AM Drainage depth and spacing

Matt Helmers, professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University

11:30 AM Putting it all together

Matt Helmers, professor, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University

12:00 PM Lunch (provided)

12:45 PM Drainage law considerations

Jennifer Harrington, Staff Attorney, Center for Agricultural Law & Taxation, Iowa State University

1:30 PM Drainage planning and design tools

Chris Hay, Owner and Principal, Christropher Hay Consulting

2:15 PM Sub-irrigation

Kelly Nelson, research professor, Plant Sciences, University of Missouri, Novelty, MO

3:00 PM Break

3:15 PM Drainage design

a. Use field data collected on Day 1
b. Complete an economic analysis using per-foot costs

5:30 PM Dinner (provided)

6:00 PM GPS user panel and group discussion

7:00 PM Adjourn for the day

Aug 22
7:30 AM Morning refreshments

8:00 AM Teams work on design reports, breaks can be taken as needed

9:00 AM Design for drainage water management

Chris Hay, Owner and Principal, Christropher Hay Consulting

10:00 AM Field demonstrations

Jim Johnson, Johnson Drainage Plows, Clarksville, IA
Prinsco, Agri-Drain, Core & Main, and River Valley Pipe Representatives
Drainage tile provided by Prinsco.

12 Noon Lunch (provided)

12:45 PM Edge of field nitrate reduction practices

Chris Hay, Owner and Principal, Christropher Hay Consulting

1:30 PM Design reports by participant teams

2:30 PM Design discussion for functionality, performance, and flexibility

End of School Quiz – Drainage Questions using Clickers

3:15 PM Closing comments and completion of program evaluation

3:30 PM School adjourns