Travel & Lodging

Hotel Information:

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Comfort Inn & Suites. Located at 603 S. 16th St, Ames, IA 50010. Please use this link to reserve your room:

For information on other hotels in Ames:

Ames Restaurants
A list of all Ames Restaurants can be found here:

A shuttle will provide transportation between the Comfort Inn & Suites and the Memorial Union. A special shuttle will also be provided from the Memorial Union to Reiman Gardens on Saturday, October 12th. Please check back here for an official shuttle scheduling in the coming weeks.

Airport Shuttle
Airport shuttles will be provided in groupings with three shuttles provided at various times on Thursday, October 10th, and three various times on Sunday, October 13th. Please note that space is limited, so please fill out the registration form with your departure and arrival information as soon as possible. You may be asked to arrive early to wait at the airport based on everyone’s arrival and departure time.”