
The conference planning committee extends an open invitation to interested businesses and organizations to be a sponsor of the conference and help make it a success. Each sponsorship level provides increasing benefits to the organization and opportunities to interact with leading beef producers in the region.


The conference attendance averages around 150. Approximately 2/3 of the attendees identify as cow/calf operators and 1/4 feedlot operators, and approximately 50% manage more than 160 acres of pasture and 100 cows. This is an audience you will want to get to know!

Thank you for considering sponsorship of this important event. For further sponsorship information please email absawyer@iastate.edu or call (515) 296-3430 and you will be put in contact with a member of the planning committee from your area who can provide more details and answer questions.

Sponsorship levels

Keynote level

  • $1,000
  • Registration for two individuals
  • One item in registration folder
  • One exhibit space and table
  • Introduction and recognition during opening session of conference program
  • Logo and link on conference web page
  • Recognition in conference social media campaign including company logo and name
  • Program and brochure listing

Break level

  • $500
  • Registration for one individual
  • One exhibit space and table
  • Signage on the break table
  • Recognition prior to breaks
  • Logo and link on conference web page
  • Program and brochure listing

Deadline for submitting sponsorships is midnight, January 16, 2025.

Payment must be received prior to the start of the conference. Sponsors will not be allowed to display or participate if payment has not been received.