Emotional Intelligence as a Lever for Authentic DEI Work
Objective: To highlight how emotional intelligence (EQ) development may be the linchpin to effectively address diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
Participants will:
- Understand how EQ may impact the work environment.
- Define EQ and its essential components, including vulnerability.
- Understand the difference between EQ, IQ, and personality.
- Explain why EQ can be a non-threatening approach to system-wide DEI implementation.
- Use assessment tools to explore aspects of their emotional intelligence.
- Engage in rich group dialogue and discussion prompts about EQ, DEI, and vulnerability in the workplace.
Intended audience: Extension professionals interested in exploring and leading with emotional intelligence to navigate workplace dynamics within the cooperative Extension system.
Topics covered: Leveraging the connection between emotional intelligence (EQ) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not a novel concept but a highly underutilized one. Over the past few years, the growing interest in both has been an encouraging trend. But how might we cultivate the connection and flip a trend into real engagement? How can we leverage the essence of EQ to create environments that create a sense of belonging and are ripe for authentic conversation? Let’s talk about it! During this interactive session, we will explore using emotional intelligence to reimagine how Extension professionals may offer new approaches to leading in this area.