Gene Editing – What is it? Why it’s different!
Educational Breakfast sponsored by: Bayer CropScience LP
Monday – August 14
6:30 am – 7:45 am
Bayer Crop Science is a committed leader in delivering innovative solutions that combine genetics, traits, crop protection chemistries, agronomic recommendations & digital solutions to help our customers manage risk, drive profitability, and deliver food for a growing global population. Our unmatched innovation pipeline is set to drive growth, with more new product launches in the next 10 years across crops, than we’ve done in the previous 20 years. Today’s presentation will highlight Bayer’s innovation pipeline with a special focus on gene editing – what it is, why it’s different from traditional GMOs, and how it can be leveraged to unlock new solutions for growers.
Presenter: Keith Merrill – Genome Editing, Yield, Disease, and Quality Traits Varietal Project Lead, Plant Biotechnology, Bayer Crop Science
Keith Merrill is an innovative scientist, a driven leader, and a passionate advocate for inclusion and diversity. He holds a PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics from North Carolina State University, and Masters and Bachelor’s degrees in Genetics and Biotechnology from Brigham Young University. Keith currently works for Bayer Crop Science as the Genome Editing, Yield, Disease, and Quality Traits Varietal Project Lead within Plant Biotechnology, where he works to integrate breeding, transgenic, and gene editing solutions. Keith has also held roles as a discovery scientist and germplasm breeder, where he led efforts to accelerate genetic gain through improvements in breeding methodology.